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My Heart Matters

A Child’s 10 Day Journey With Jesus

“The most amazing children’s devotional!” Beautifully illustrated throughout, this book provides keys for life, that even the youngest of children can live by. My Heart Matters will help your child deal with life’s inevitable hurts and it will lead them on a precious journey with Jesus. A beautiful gift, this book is hard back, 84 page, full color throughout.

1 for £16.50|3 for £45

Plus £4.95 postage & packing for 1 or £7.95 postage & packing for 3

1 for $25|3 for $65

Plus $7.95 shipping & handling for 1 or $15.95 shipping & handling for 3

Parents Please Read

Parents, Please Read will help you to lead your children to know their immense worth so that they can be secure and strong. It will help you to bring them on a journey to intimacy with Jesus.


Plus £2.95 postage & packing / $4.95 shipping & handling


God has incredible plans for your life. But your heart decides how many of your promises come to pass. Your enemy, the devil knows this, so he tries to use buried pain to bury your potential. This book exposes 6 big destiny blockers that could keep you out of your purpose.

  • Do you feel stuck in a difficult season?
  • Do you often get disappointed?
  • Does life feel unfair?
  • Are you afraid of failing?
  • Do you get intimidated by particular people?
  • Does a friend’s success make you feel like a failure?

As you read Destiny Blockers, the Holy Spirit will gently uncover hidden issues that have been blocking your breakthrough. This book will lead you to peace and freedom. It will set you up for success.

1 for £13.50|$20
3 for £35|$55
Plus £3.50 postage & packing / $4.95 shipping & handling
To order Destiny Blockers as an e-book, please select an option below.


It comes in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Sometimes it is blindingly obvious. On other occasions, it hides in our hearts. Can you relate to any of these tell-tale signs:

  • Do loud or sudden noises cause a fright?
  • Can certain names flashing on your phone create anxiety?
  • Do you dislike hugs, crowds, highways, or making phone-calls?
  • Are you uncomfortable in medical settings?
  • Do you have a short fuse, a nervous laugh, or perhaps you’re shy?
  • Are you an anxious passenger or driver?
  • Do you feel detached from your emotions, or even numb?
  • Are you nervous around certain types of people?

This is not just a book, it is an inner mirror. As you read, the Holy Spirit will shine His light into your precious heart. He will heal hidden hurts that have been holding you back and bring you on a wonderful journey to peace and freedom.


Special Offer (for UK and US residents only in paperback):
3 for £30|$37.50
Plus £3.50 postage & packing / $4.95 shipping & handling
To order Let’s Talk About Trauma as an e-book, please select an option below.

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The Healing Bundle

Freedom to Thrive

A life changing package, or a great gift idea for those nearest and dearest to you. Buy this seasonal ‘Healing Bundle’ for just £29 | $39 including postage & packing (UK & US only) a saving of £8 or $10. If you would like to buy one of each set of books (Healing Bundle and Character Package) simply select 2 or more items at PayPal checkout and add a note to seller, eg 1 Healing Bundle and 1 Character Package.


Plus £3.50 postage & packing / $4.95 shipping & handling

The Character Package

Maturing & Growing in God

Another transformational book set or a great gift idea for those nearest and dearest to you. Buy this ‘Character Package’ for just £29 | $39 including postage & packing (UK & US only) a saving of £8 or $10. If you would like to buy one of each set of books (Healing Bundle and Character Package) simply select 2 or more items at PayPal checkout and add a note to seller, eg 1 Healing Bundle and 1 Character Package.


Plus £3.50 postage & packing / $4.95 shipping & handling

My Pretend Friend

“I can’t handle this anymore”
“It’s not fair”
“Everything is stacked against me”
“Nobody understands”

If thoughts like these ever drag you down, this book is for you.

Meet Your Pretend Friend

You have an enemy. It wants to prolong your pain and trap you in a dark place. It stirs feelings of injustice and steals your joy.

Self-pity seeks to stifle your life. However, it is also a master of deceit and pretends to be your friend. This book will expose how self-pity worms its way into your thoughts. It will reveal the ways it dismantles your dreams. As you journey through the pages of My Pretend Friend, you will discover how to kick out this foul enemy so that you can enjoy life and fulfill your purpose.

Special Offer (for UK and US residents only):
2 for £22|$27.50
3 for £30|$37.50
Plus £3.50 postage & packing / $4.95 shipping & handling
Please use the Amazon link below, should you wish to pay from outside UK or US.

The Many Faces Of Shame

It rises inside when something improper or just plain wrong is done to us or by us. It makes us feel disgraced and humiliated. Shame is so painful that we usually try to bury the memories that made us feel that way.
The Many Faces Of Shame will bring liberty. It will restore your honor. It will help lead you into the bright future God has for you.
There are countless causes of shame:
  • Failure
  • Rejection
  • Humiliation
  • Abuse
  • Guilt
  • Poverty
This book will bring you on a wonderful journey of understanding, healing and freedom.

via Amazon.


It is your most valuable and yet probably your most vulnerable asset. Your heart determines how your life turns out.

You may think that you know yourself but your heart is deep and complex. Even God has to search to reveal what’s inside.

My Whole Heart is an inner mirror. It is a handbook to wholeness.

  • As you journey through its pages, you will:
  • Discover the blockages in your heart
  • Find out if your soul works properly
  • Learn how conditional love may have harmed you
  • Understand if your heart is becoming hard
  • Find out if you’re wearing any of the enemy’s armor (as opposed to the armor of God)
  • Discover how to deal with your feelings in “My Emotional Manual”

My Whole Heart will lead you on a supernatural journey to freedom and fulfilment. It will set you up for lasting success.

via Amazon.

Doorway To Your Destiny

God plants His promises within our hearts. He gives us dreams of an amazing life. Then the wait begins. Occasionally, it comes to pass quickly. All too often, it feels like an eternity. If that isn’t enough, we experience pain on the way. Although the longing for a better future burns inside, disappointment can creep in.

If you follow the ‘Joseph Process’ revealed in this book, it will lead you through the doorway to your destiny. You will see your life reflected in its pages and discover things about yourself that you never knew. You will find out what has been holding you back and learn how to accelerate your transformation so that you are ready for your destiny.

via Amazon.

Other books:

30 Day Detox for your soul

Everyone’s experience of life is unique – but no one gets by without being hurt or disappointed along the way. How do we handle this pain? We usually shrug our shoulders, dust ourselves off, and keep going. We may seem to have it together but secretly struggle with discouragement, insecurity, self-doubt, anger, and other issues that hold us back. That’s why we all need a “detox” for the soul!

This book compassionately and effectively helps you to resolve hurts that, perhaps unknown to you, have been hindering your relationships and your progress in life. You will be cleansed emotionally and spiritually while breathing new life into your relationship with God.

30-Day Detox for Your Soul takes you through three 10-day steps:
– Step 1: Off-load—Lay down your weights & receive healing.
– Step 2: Clean Out—Clear out the clutter in your life & let go of guilt.
– Step 3: Build Up—Restore your dreams & be filled afresh.

As you progress through these steps, you will be renewed—and more ready than ever to fulfill your God-given destiny.

via Amazon.


How to stop your destiny being stolen

Dreamstealers exposes seven of the most common problems with the human heart. It reveals how issues like insecurity, people-pleasing or pride can delay or even destroy your destiny. It will help you to recognise hidden problems that hold you back. How do you feel when you’re put down in front of family or friends? What goes on inside when someone challenges you about your shortcomings? How do you react when your peer gets the recognition you crave? Search for yourself in this book: look for a picture of your life in its pages and a reflection of yourself in the chapters. Jo Naughton writes with great personal honesty, bringing clarity and truth. As you read, you will discover some of the obstacles in your way and find Bible solutions to help you remove them.

Price: £9.50

via Amazon.

Lifting The Mask

Who are you when no-one\’s looking?

Do you seem happy and successful to people around you? Perhaps all is well as long as life is good. But sometimes, when you close the door and glance into the mirror, you see a different picture which reflects the pain of the past. Lifting the Mask will help you to understand why you are the way you are. It will help you to recognise the impact of the past on your present and it will show you how you can be set free. It will lead you on a journey towards security and inner contentment. Jo Naughton shares remarkable insights into the issues of the human heart and offers a route to healing and happiness. She writes with great personal honesty and brings life-changing revelation from the Word of God.

Price: £9.50

via Amazon.

Welcome to Ziklag

How to rise from the ashes of tragedy

When the storm clouds of life gather and you are engulfed by grief or surrounded by despair, you need grace to get through. As you read this book, faith will rise in your heart so that you can survive catastrophe and come through even your darkest hour. You will receive a Word-based perspective that will help you deal with devastation and recover after catastrophe.

You will find out how to:
– Triumph over tragedy
– Receive healing and restoration
– Steer your way into new beginnings

Part bible study, part testimony, this powerful book will help point you in the right direction; away from remorse, regret and sorrow and towards happiness, freedom and real joy.

Price: £8.00

via The Harvest Church Website.


Dios tiene planes increíbles para tu vida. Pero tu corazón decide cuántas de tus promesas se cumplen. Tu enemigo, el diablo, lo sabe, por lo que trata de usar el dolor enterrado para enterrar tu potencial. Este libro expone 6 grandes Bloqueadores del Destino que podrían mantenerte fuera de tu objetivo.

  • ¿Te sientes atrapado en una temporada difícil?
  • ¿Te sientes decepcionado a menudo?
  • ¿La vida parece injusta?
  • ¿Tienes miedo de fracasar?
  • ¿Te sientes intimidado por personas en particular?
  • ¿El éxito de un amigo te hace sentir como un fracaso?

A medida que lea Bloqueadores del Destino, el Espíritu Santo revelará los problemas ocultos que han estado bloqueando tu avance. Este libro te conducirá a la paz y la libertad. Te preparará para el éxito.

1 for £13.50|$20
3 for £35|$55
Plus £3.50 postage & packing / $4.95 shipping & handling


Viene en todo tipo de formas y tamaños. A veces lo es, cegadoramente obvio. En otras ocasiones se esconde en nuestro corazón. ¿Puede identificarse con alguno de estos signos reveladores?:

  • ¿Los ruidos fuertes o repentinos te causan miedo?
  • ¿Pueden ciertos nombres que aparecen en tu teléfono generar ansiedad
  • ¿No te gustan los abrazos, las multitudes, las autopistas o hacer llamadas telefónicas? ¿Te sientes incómodo en citas médicas?
  • ¿Tienes una mecha corta, risas nerviosas o tal vez eres tímido?
  • ¿Eres un pasajero o conductor ansioso?
  • ¿Te sientes desapegado de tus emociones o incluso entumecido?
  • ¿Te sientes nervioso con cierto tipo de personas?

Esto no es sólo un libro, es un espejo interior. Mientras lees, el Espíritu Santo hará brillar su luz en tu precioso corazón. Él sanará las heridas ocultas que te han estado frenando y te llevará a un maravilloso viaje de paz y libertad.

Special Offer (for UK and US residents only in paperback):
3 for £30|$37.50
Plus £3.50 postage & packing / $4.95 shipping & handling


Es su posesión más valiosa, y sin embargo, posiblemente la más vulnerable. Su corazón determina cómo resulta su vida. Puede pensar que se conoce a sí mismo, pero su corazón es profundo y complejo.
Incluso Dios tiene que buscar para revelar lo que hay dentro de él.”Con Todo Mi Corazón” es un espejo interior. Es un manual para volverse sano y completo.

Mientras viaja a través de sus páginas, podrá:

  • Descubrir los bloqueos de su corazón
  • Descubrir si su alma funciona correctamente
  • Aprender cómo el amor condicional le puede haber causado daño
  • Entender si su corazón se ha endurecido
  • Descubrir si tiene puesta alguna de la armadura del enemigo (en vez de la armadura de Dios)
  • Descubrir cómo lidiar con sus sentimientos en “Mi Manual Emocional

“Con Todo Mi Corazón” lo llevará en una jornada espiritual hacia la libertad y la plenitud. Lo preparará para un éxito duradero.


Limpieza de 30 Días

La experiencia de vida da cada uno ed única, pero ninguno se las arregla sin ser herido o decepcionado de algún modo en el camino. Puede parecer que lo tenemos todo solucionado, pero batallamos secretamente. Con compasión y humor, la autora Jo naughton te lleva paso a paso hacia una renovación emocional y espiritual.

Paso 1: Descarga. Deja tus cargas y recibe sanidad y nueva confianza.

Paso 2: Limpieza. Despeja el desorden en tu vida y suelta la culpabilidad.

Paso 3: Construcción. Restaura tus sueños y sé lleno de fuerza y vida.

A medida que pasas por este proceso, te acercarás más a Dios, volverás a sentirte sano y completo, y estarás más preparado que nunca para cumplir el destino que Dios te ha otorgado.

UK Delivery: £10 + £2.49 postage

US Delivery: $15 + $2.99 postage