How to RAISE SECURE Children
16 July – 6 August
Tuesdays 7pm (UK) or 2pm (East USA) join live or watch later
A child’s heart is very precious to the Lord. According to the Bible, it is their heart that will decide how their life turns out. It is impossible for a child to get by without being hurt: at school, among friends and family, and even in church. This course will show you how to bring a child on a journey to security, confidence, and lasting intimacy with the Lord.
Week One: A Child’s Heart
In session one, we will explain how the heart of a child is designed, and why it is so sensitive. We will explain how you can help a child begin a journey to healing and freedom.
Week Two: Life’s Inevitable Hurts
It is impossible for a child to get by without being hurt. It is therefore vital that young ones know how to deal with difficult feelings. In this session, we share the steps to restoration.
Week Three: The Power Of Healing
Our Heavenly Father wants to heal His children any time they are hurt. But there are far greater benefits to healing than being whole. It also leads to security and intimacy with Jesus.
Week Four: The Journey
Any child that learns how to protect their heart will set themselves up for a wonderful relationship with the Lord and for healthy relationships with others. As we draw this course to a close, we will show you how to lead a child on an ongoing healing journey.
Register Now: £69 | $89
OR three monthly instalments of £25 / $32