The PAIN Of Migration

27 June – 25 July
Thursdays 11pm (UK) or 6pm (East USA) join live or watch later

You may have left your homeland seeking a better life or perhaps you were forced by circumstances to move. Once in a new nation, you may see yourself as an outsider. Maybe you battle with emptiness, loneliness or anxiety. This course will lead you to restoration and confidence. It will pave the way for your success.

Week One: Grief
When you leave family, culture, and country, the sense of loss can be immense. In week one, the Holy Spirit will take away buried grief and hidden sadness. You will start the journey to restoration.

Week Two: Fear
In this session, we will deal with the fear that often enters as a result of being exposed to danger, rejection, abuse, and even the unknown. God will lead you to peace and liberty.

Week Three: Rejection
The enemy wants you to feel like an outsider, he wants you to believe that your background belittles your worth. We will bring healing to the pain of rejection, prejudice, and mistreatment.

Week Four: Trauma
The Holy Spirit will uncover buried trauma associated with your experiences. From hardship and mistreatment, to judgement and isolation, the Lord will lift burdens from your shoulders and restore your soul.

Week Five: Embracing Your New Life
As this course draws to an end, the Lord will instill new hope in your heart. You will gain practical tool to enable you to seize every opportunity with faith and confidence. You will discover how to dream again.

Register Now: £69 | $89

OR three monthly instalments of £25 / $32