Uncategorised COMING OUT OF THE STORM Storms hit us all. Although the forecasters can warn us about hurricanes and tornadoes, we don’t always get any sign…Jo Naughton15th November 2019
Uncategorised BREAKING THE POWER OF PAINFUL MEMORIES Do you have any painful memories? Perhaps of a trauma in recent times or maybe there are scenes from your…Jo Naughton8th November 2019
Uncategorised DO YOU FEEL FAVORED? A couple of weeks ago, my husband mentioned the importance of us having faith in the favor of God. As…Jo Naughton3rd November 2019
Uncategorised I FELT LIKE A FRAUD After years of prayer, one of my books was picked up by a US publishing house. The company's chief executive…Jo Naughton25th October 2019
Uncategorised DEFEATING DOUBT & POSSESSING YOUR PROMISE We are called to walk by faith and the Bible says that faith is a fight. That means we will…Jo Naughton18th October 2019
Uncategorised HOW DO YOU KNOW IF YOU HAVE HIDDEN HURTS? The law of gravity says that what goes up will come down. The law of the human heart says that…Jo Naughton11th October 2019
Uncategorised ARE YOU LISTENING TO ANY LIES? Jesus said in Mark 4:24, “Be careful what you are hearing...” The voices that we listen to affect our lives…Jo Naughton30th August 2019
Uncategorised THE TROUBLE WITH RELATIONSHIPS Relationships hurt. Especially relationships with the people we love the most. Things are said that leave us questioning ourselves. Misunderstandings…Jo Naughton23rd August 2019
Uncategorised I LEARNED THE HARD WAY The Bible promises, "If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the fat of the land.” (Isaiah 1:19) I…Jo Naughton19th July 2019
Uncategorised DON’T WASTE YOUR PRAYERS Some prayers are a waste of time! Let me explain using the story of the Red Sea crossing. After leaving…Jo Naughton12th July 2019