Uncategorised THE RELATIONSHIP BREAKER God has put key people in your life to enable you to fulfill your purpose. They may be door openers.…Jo Naughton21st June 2019
Uncategorised HE NEVER TOLD ME HE LOVED ME As my husband was drawing his session at Fixing the Foundations UK to a close last year, I began to…Jo Naughton31st May 2019
Uncategorised THE KILLER Strife kills peace. It’s that tension that rises inside and causes us to quarrel and bicker. We feel irritated, frustrated…Jo Naughton24th May 2019
Uncategorised WHAT’S YOUR HEART WHISPERING? When I've had a hard day, there's nothing like coming home into my husband's arms. Even though nothing around me…Jo Naughton17th May 2019
Uncategorised I’M REALLY NOT UP TO THIS It's easy to think of King Saul in the Old Testament as a villain. After all, he turned away from…Jo Naughton3rd May 2019
Uncategorised Cracks Relationships cause more dents in our self-worth than just about anything else. Cutting comments from friends, friction with family or…Jo Naughton2nd June 2018