Right at the start, God looked at creation and reached a conclusion: “It is not good that man should be alone.” (Genesis 2:18). You were made to enjoy fellowship. But that’s not all. Being connected with the right people enables us to fulfill our God-given purpose. Let’s look at some destiny connections in Scripture that illustrate our need for one another.
- Abraham could not become the father of faith without Sarah.
- Lot prospered as long as he was with Abraham.
- Jacob needed Leah, Rachel (and their assistants) to birth a nation.
- Joseph relied on a butler and his boss to become the savior of two nations.
- Ruth met Boaz and became became a relative of Jesus through Naomi.
Just as these Bible heroes needed others to achieve their potential, so you and I need our destiny connectors. That’s one reason why the enemy tries us to separate us from divine relationships.
Feeling alone can produce a deafening silence. Walking through the door that was once shared with someone special. Sitting by yourself with a knot in your stomach. Loneliness can feel like a cold cloak separating you from companionship and love.
Maybe the isolation of lockdown has taken its toll. Perhaps you have people around you, but you still feel a deep, unmet need for companionship. Perhaps you can’t relate to others. You might be unable to share your thoughts and feelings freely.
An unloving marriage can be a desolate place. People assume you have it all, but you feel empty and alone. You long for intimacy, looking back with longing at the times when you shared so much. Now, you may feel like you are just sharing a house with a fellow tenant.
David experienced loneliness at times: “Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely…” (Psalm 25:16). He was crying out to God saying, “I feel alone and it hurts!” The king was nearly always surrounded by people and yet he felt lonely. Loneliness isn’t always a lack of relationships. Often it is an issue of the heart.
If you are struggling with a sense of isolation, I encourage you to start by taking these steps:
1. TALK to the Lord about your pain. Tell Him how it hurts and pour out your heart in prayer. The Lord wants to hear your heart and He is ready to listen to your sadness.
2. ASK the Holy Spirit to fill the void inside. He is able to meet your deepest needs. If you are missing a companion, ask the Lord to reveal Himself to you as your closest friend.
3. CONNECT – ask God to connect you with people that will help you to fulfill your destiny. You might receive an instant answer but your Lord cares about you having companionship more than you know.
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Desde el principio DIOS miro la creación y llego a esta conclusión. “No es bueno que hombre este solo.” (Gen 1:28) Te diseñaron para que disfrutes la compañía. No solo eso. Estar conectado a las personas correctas nos ayuda a desarrollar nuestro potencial dado por Dios. Vamos a mirar a unas conexiones de destino en la escritura que nos ilustrará nuestra necesidad de relacionarnos.
- Abraham no pudo convertirse en el padre de la Fe sin Sarah
- Lot no hubiera prosperado sino estuviera junto a Abraham.
- Jacob necesito de Raquel y Lea (y las asistentes) para dar a luz una nación.
- Jose descanso en el mayordomo y su jefe para poder salvar dos naciones.
- Rut conoció a Booz y dio a luz a un familiar de Jesús por el consejo de Nohemi.
Estos héroes bíblicos necesitaron de la ayuda de otro para manifestar su potencial, nosotros también necesitamos a nuestros conectores de destino. Por está razón el enemigo nos tratará de desconectar de relaciones divinas.
Sentirse solo produce un silencio ensordecedor. Cruzar la puerta que un día se compartía con otra persona especial. Sentarte solo con un nudo en el estómago. La soledad se siente como un manto frío que te separa de compañía y amor.
Quizá el aislamiento de la pandemia te ha afectado. Quizá estás rodeado de gente, pero sientes una necesidad profunda de compañía, que no está suplida. Pueda que no sabes relacionarte con otros. Quizá no puedes compartir tus sentimientos y emociones libremente.
Un matrimonio en desamor puede ser un lugar desolador. Los que te rodean asumen que lo tienes todo, pero te sientes vacío y solo/a. Buscas intimidad, y añoras los tiempos donde compartías tanto. Ahora, te sientes que compartes la casa con arrendatarios.
David experimento soledad algunas veces: “Mírame, y ten misericordia de mí, Porque estoy solo y afligido.” Salmos
Si estás batallando con un sentir de aislamiento. Primero háblale a Dios de tu dolor. Dile como duele y vierte tu corazón en oración. Pídele al Espíritu Santo que te llene ese vacío. El es capaz de proveer tus necesidades más profundas. Finalmente, pídele que te conecte con personas que te ayuden a manifestar tu destino.
Wooooooowwwwww #PraiseJesus
So glad it hit the spot!
Que linda reflexión!
Me goza saber que re ministro.