Most of us treat our cars better than our hearts. We take our vehicles for regular services but how often do we take time out to repair the wear and tear of our souls? I believe we all need healing. Here are five reasons why:
1. We don’t know our own hearts.
One of God’s greatest concerns about our hearts is our propensity for self-deception: “The heart is deceitful above all things… who can know it?” Jeremiah 17:9. Just as the heart is capable of love, kindness and compassion, the heart is also capable of deceit. We think we know ourselves. We think we know what is going on inside. However, all too often, we don’t. We detach from pain and are unaware that old experiences are hindering our lives. We need the Spirit of Truth to shine His light into our hearts and remove any obstacle blocking our progress.
2. Life is tough.
We all go through difficulties and disappointments and get hurt along the way. People can let us down making it tough to trust. Our dreams may get dashed leaving us heavy-hearted. Things can happen that make us sad. But because we love the Lord, we normally just dust ourselves down and carry on, perhaps with a little less joy.
3. Your heart determines your destiny.
The Bible says: “Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.” Proverbs 4:23 (NLT). It’s not what I know or even who I know, and it’s not my qualifications that decide my destiny. It’s the condition of my heart. If my heart is heavy or hurting, it could affect my ability to fulfil my purpose. If I’m discouraged or disappointed, it may limit my capacity to live my life as God intended.
4. You have a purpose.
God is great and you were made in His image. So He has an extraordinary plan for your life. He wants us to be great leaders, fantastic husbands and wives, awesome parents, phenomenal teachers, business people, carers and so on. But Proverbs says that “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” If my view of myself has been squashed by circumstances or my confidence has been undermined by the people around me, it will be hard for me to fulfil my potential. God wants to dig deep and ensure your inner image matches His view of you.
5. The enemy has a plan.
God has a plan for our lives but the devil has a plan too. According to John 10:10, satan wants to kill, steal and destroy. He knows he can’t just waltz in and end all our lives. So he tries to spoil them. He seeks to destroy our destiny and rob our joy. We need to stop him from stealing by dealing with every inner issue that holds us back.
A service for your soul
Healed for Life is a life-changing encounter in God’s presence. It is a service for the soul. The Holy Sprit will shine His light into the depths of your heart, revealing and healing hurts that you didn’t even know were hampering your life.
Whether you’re a seasoned leader or a brand new believer, God will take you on a wonderful journey bringing refreshing and restoration.
Countless people from all walks of life have testified to lasting transformation. Husbands tell us that they got new wives, women share that their spouses returned more loving, and nearly all say they feel happier and healthier than ever.
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This is so true