We all get rejected. Maybe you’re living in a cold marriage. Perhaps you’ve been put down by your peers. You could have been pushed away by people you love.
Most of our bible heroes have also been bruised by its pain. Here are a few examples:
- Leah, the mother of Judah, was repulsive to her husband
- King David was forsaken by his father & mother
- Jeremiah was hated by the people he was sent to help
- Daniel was despised by jealous peers
- Jesus was rejected – by nearly everyone
Rejection is inevitable, but it is gut wrenching. We were made for fellowship so when we are cast away, it can be emotionally crippling. However, it doesn’t stop there. The enemy seeks to use your pain to keep you out of your purpose.
There are three common reactions to rejection. Two are demonic and derail destinies. One leads to lasting freedom. Let’s look at what they are:
When we’re rejected, we often hide. If you were hurt in church, you may want to take a back seat (even though you were called to the worship ministry). If friends let you down, you could choose to withdraw (even from divine relationships).
Of course, we don’t want to set ourselves up for further pain. However, we need to to make sure that pain is not directing our lives. We are supposed to be led by the Spirit of God, not fear of further hurt.
When we’re wounded, sometimes we shut down inside and put up walls around our hearts. We may give up on trusting or become tough towards others. The pain was too much so we toughen up.
Israel suffered terribly, but hardened their hearts as a result of their pain. Sadly, when we toughen our hearts we often unwittingly resist the Lord. Because of hardness of heart, God kept an entire generation out of the promised land.
The right response to rejection is to seek your healing. Jesus came to bind up the broken hearted. He died to take our pain away. There is no wound that He cannot restore if we will bring our pain to Him.
I do weekly live video messages. When I’m going through personal pain, I don’t feel like slapping on makeup and ministering to camera. However, I make sure I get healed so that I can be faithful to my calling. Once I allow the Lord to heal me, my heart is often enlarged so that I can carry even more of His anointing.
When we bring our hurts to the Lord in prayer, He heals our hearts and we spoil satan’s plans. Make sure you register for REFRESH ONLINE on June 27th: it’s free and will be a powerful time of restoration & refreshing!
Also, if you haven’t yet signed up for my new online course, check it out. I’m daily hearing amazing testimonies of healing and transformation.
Todos somos rechazados. Quizás estés en un matrimonio frío. Posiblemente has sido menospreciado por tus compañeros. Has sido apartado por las personas que amas.
Muchos de nuestros héroes bíblicos fueron heridos por este dolor. Aquí algunos ejemplos:
- Lea la madre de Judá, le era repulsiva a su esposo.
- El rey David fue olvidado por su padre y madre.
- Jeremías era odiado por las personas a quien fue asignado.
- Daniel fue despreciado por compañeros celosos.
- Jesús fue rechazado – por todos.
El rechazo es inevitable, y se siente como desdicha. Nosotros fuimos diseñados para el compañerismo cuando somos rechazados, puede ser agobiante emocionalmente. Sin embargo, esto no para aquí. El enemigo busca usar tu dolor para retenerte de su propósito.
Hay tres reacciones comunes al rechazo. Dos son demoníacas y descarrilan tu destino. La otra te lleva a Libertad duradera. Miremos cuáles son:
Cuando nos rechazan, nos escondemos. Si te lastimaron en la iglesia, escogerás sentarte (aunque sabes que tienes llamado para adorar). Si un amigo te rechazo, escoges apartarte (hasta de relaciones divinas).
Claro que no quieres ponerte en posición para que te lastimen otra vez. No obstante, tenemos que asegurarnos que el dolor no está dirigiendo nuestra vida. Estamos supuestos a ser guiados por el Espíritu de Dios, no por el temor o el dolor.
Cuando nos hieren, cerramos las puertas y levantamos paredes alrededor de nuestro corazón. Nos damos por vencidos en confiar en otros y somos duros. El dolor fue mucho y nos hicimos fuertes.
Israel sufrió grandemente, por eso endureció su corazón por causa del dolor. Tristemente, cuando endurecemos nuestro corazón, inconscientemente resistimos al Señor. Por causa del endurecimiento del corazón, Dios dejó a toda una generación fuera de la tierra prometida.
La respuesta correcta al rechazo es buscar sanidad. Jesús vino a sanar a los quebrantados de corazón. El murió para tomar nuestro dolor. No hay herida que el no pueda sanar si se la entregamos a El.
Yo hago vídeos en vivo semanales. Cuando estoy pasando por dolor, no siento maquillarme ni pararme frente a cámaras. Sin embargo, me aseguro de sanarme para ser fiel y continuar con mi llamado. Una vez recibo sanidad, mi corazón es expandido para cargar más unción.
Asegúrate de registrarte para REFRESH EN LÍNEA el 27 de junio. Es gratis y será un tiempo de cambio, restauración y refrescar para tu vida.
Very helpful to me. I have put up a lot of walls and have begun letting them down.
Victoria I am so glad this helped. Praying for you.
Thanks Pastor Jo,
This has come at the right time for me. Even right now as I’m in the midst of pain I had returned to a default of mine by hardening my heart. I wasn’t fully conscious of it until I just read your blog. Bless you.
Cheryl I am so glad that this came on time. I’m praying
Dear Pstr Jo, I am struggling this week/weekend with a personal matter related to the above. Please pray for me to respond in the way of the Word. I’m always so grateful to the way you post these – as if to speak directly to me – thank you, God!
And I am inspired by your ability to keep delivering like this, doing your blogs and as you say, the live videos that you are doing. because no matter what walk of life, what calling you have had, personal pain will occur from time to time and we have control only over how we end up responding to it! Bless you, PJ.
Praise to God.
Aroshini, I’m sorry to hear about your pain. I am praying. God bless you abundantly
Gracias por esti. Realmente era lo que nesecitaba. Dios es grande y fiel da la salida justo a tiempo. Te bendigo pastora Jo. Gracias por tu vida es de bendicion para muchos personas .❤
Estoy tan contento, gloria a Dios
Thanks pastor jo this message encourage mi life
P. Alberto
I am so glad to hear this, praise God